Dr. Rashida



Touch for Health involves a specific series of manual muscle monitoring to evaluate body’s responses to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities. Muscle monitoring is a noninvasive way of evaluating the body’s overall state of structural, biochemical, or emotional imbalance and assessing its needs. It was developed in early 1970s basing on the concept Applied Kinesiology and the internal energy fundamentals of traditional Chinese medicine. The concepts of Wellness integrate the holistic worldview of the East, as well as the vitalistic tradition in the West.

(Developed by Dr. John F Thie, USA)


To harness your body’s healing energy

Family Wellness Bio-energetic Balance is a self-care program that provides non-professional people a simple and non-invasive procedure that enhances health and wellness. It is a natural wellness system with a holistic approach to health, to restore our natural energies using manual muscle testing. Evaluating and harmonizing energy patterns maximize our innate ability to correct itself. By following the body’s wisdom, energy balance brings about the desired shifts in the structural, emotional, and biochemical dimensions of our body to access our full potential. It is Based on the book Touch for Health A step by step guide to natural health by Toni Lilley (Compiled by Dr Rashida Naraharasetti MBBS, DO(MP) )


Osteopathic Manual Therapy is a health service which emphasizes the role of the musculoskeletal system in health. Founded in 1892 by physician Andrew Taylor, the goal of Osteopathic manual practice is to resolve somatic dysfunction thereby aiding the body’s own recuperative faculties. This modality combines a diverse array of manual techniques together with postural and occupational advice, as well as counseling to relieve pain, restore range of motion and enhance the body’s innate healing capacity.


Brain Gym ® is the study of drawing out innate intelligence through natural movement experiences, and is a system where simple movements are used to stimulate brain function. Brain Gym® movements are gentle movements that are fun, fascinating and easy to do activities which can enhance learning for individuals of all ages and all walks of life. Blocks in learning and balance occur when information cannot flow freely among the pathways between the Brain stem and Prefrontal cortex; the emotional limbic Midbrain system and the rational Cerebral cortex; the Right and Left Cerebral hemispheres. The Brain Gym® movements stimulate flow of information between these three dimensions of the brain, freeing our innate ability to learn and function at top efficiency. Brain Gym® promotes efficient communication among the many nerve cells and functional centers located throughout the brain and body. They stimulate mental alertness, sharpen memory skills and build self-esteem.

[Founded by Paul E. Dennison, Ph.D. and Gail Dennison U.S.A]


Birth and post-birth Reflex Integration Method is based on non-invasive and gentle integration techniques, combined with playful exercises. Improving the function of motor reflex patterns and sensory systems improve basic reflex schemes, learned motor skills and abilities, advanced motor, communication and cognitive development as well as improved emotional and behavioral regulation.

[Founded by Svetlana Masgutova, PhD in 1989, Poland.]


Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) is a remarkable form of alternative psychotherapy that uses tapping on acupuncture points while a client focuses on a specific traumatic memory. This manipulates the energy field to change a stressful thought into a positive solution. It works on a variety of health issues, psychological problems, and performance issues.

[EFT was founded by Gary Craig, in mid-1990s, USA]


Emotional Programming is designed to identify the triggers and the trapped emotions in our energy system and defuse these emotions that create patterns of failures and are self- defeating. It accesses meridian and chakra energies through specific access points and application techniques.

[Compiled by Dr Rashida Naraharasetti MBBS, DO(MP)]


Energy Psychology addresses the relationship of energy flows with emotions, cognition and behavior. It focuses on our thoughts, feelings and emotions while accessing our bioenergetic system. The simple methods used in this modality shift neurological patterns from stressful thoughts and feelings and non-invasively alter emotional, cognitive and behavioral responses for therapeutic gain.

[Dr. Fred Gallo, Ph.D., and Dr. David Feinstein, Ph.D. are internationally recognized leaders in the rapidly emerging field of Energy Psychology.]


Your DNA is not your destiny – The new epigenetic science reveals that your perceptions control your biology. This places you in the driver’s seat, because if you can change your perceptions, you can shape and direct your own genetic expression. We want to turn on the genes of longevity, wellness & vitality and turn off the genes of aging and death/apoptosis. Your genetic profile is not your destiny, you can change your gene expression by the things you think, say, and do, the things you eat, avoid or listen to and what you ponder in your heart.

[Developed by Dr. Bruce Dew, New Zealand]


A specially designed course with simple and effective tips from ancient energy systems Mudra therapy, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Acupressure.

[Compiled by Dr Rashida Naraharasetti, Canada]


Mudra therapy is part of the greater system of ancient Indian medicine known as Ayurveda. ‘Mudras’ are systematic hand gestures, which, when practiced, can address and alleviate disease by restoring a state of balance within the body. They are the external expression of inner resolve.

[Founded a few thousand years ago]


Overcoming Co-dependency Co-Dependency is ‘relationship addiction’. People who practice co-dependency tend to form or maintain relationships that are one-sided, emotionally destructive and/or abusive. It is both an emotional and behavioral condition which affects an individual’s ability to engage in healthy, mutually satisfying relationships. Sessions aid in exploring the relationship between early childhood issues and current destructive behavior; provide techniques as tools to disengage the past from the present; and empower the client to experience their full range of feelings again and, using new skills, reconstruct healthy personal and family dynamics.

[Developed by Dr. Bruce Dew, New Zealand]


Pranic Healing is a highly evolved system of energy medicine which utilizes prana (Sanskrit for life-force) to balance, harmonize and transform the body’s energy processes.

[Developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui]


Everything in the universe is dynamic from the conceivable cosmological picture to the dynamic shifts and life forms on the earth to cytoplasmic streaming to the invisible patterns and flows of energies in humans. Many of these flows are cyclical in the pattern. These cycles can be found in virtually every realm of life. Balancing these cycles in gross, subtle, and causal bodies is a fascinating art. Spiritual cycles are cycles through time and space where the created matter experiences the consequences of its thoughts, words, and deeds as it transcends into a wiser being toward Enlightenment/Nirvana. The essence of every celestial body pulsates in every cell of the being through time and space. The Spiritual Cycle Balance skilfully uses the tools from Vedic sciences to achieve freedom for spiritual awakening while the soul experiences these pulsations with pure joy.

[Developed by Dr Rashida Naraharasetti, Canada]

EXPAND YOUR PERSONAL POWER - Connecting with the essence of who you are

To be Aware of your emotions and the pattern in which they appear and reappear and identify the triggering thoughts that lead to those patterns. When you know how to handle Self-reflection to identify opportunities for personal growth you can make decisions that align with your values, balancing logic and love, and have a sense of in charge of yourself – a spiritual connection

[Developed by Dr Rashida Naraharasetti, Canada]


In Classical Chinese Medicine, Time and space play a big role in health. Time and space are seen as an interaction between Heaven, Human, and Earth. The flow of Yin and Yang energy interlacing with the quality of 5 elements affects energy in all living beings each year. What will be shown from any standard balance procedure would be an individual imbalance, but we need to consider that individual imbalance might be the result of the year’s energy quality. Since the year’s energy won’t be detected through muscle tests, we need to put the energy quality of the year into consideration.

[Developed by Henry Remanlay, Indonesia]


Sports Specific Muscle Balance employs manual muscle monitoring to identify energy patterns and correct imbalances using simple and subtle techniques. This is a modality where the flexibility and strength of around 60 muscles including 20 postural muscles, 20 synergistic muscles, and 20 core muscles are balanced.

[Developed by Dr Rashida Naraharasetti, Canada]


Somatic dysfunction addresses impaired or altered function of structural frame work of the body. It includes musculoskeletal, myofascial system, nervous system and to some extent lymphatic and vascular systems. It involves in restriction that can occur in joints, muscles and fascia, blood supply, limph flow and nervous function.

[Developed by Dr Rashida Naraharasetti and Sue Nash Canada]